Why We Strive to Make the Difference
Deep in the highlands of Mexico and El Salvador, across the Atlantic in Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, and Kenya, and out to Papua New Guinea, we find the finest of coffees, cocoas, and cotton, grown and harvested in age old traditions, by local farmers, the Origin Producers. It is to their painstaking effort, in extremely rural environments, that the ECOM Foundation responds with much needed humanitarian aid.
We currently establish health clinics, schools, hospices and orphanages in over twenty (20) countries globally. We partner on projects with NGOs, as well as develop and institute our own special projects like the ECOM Foundation Satellite Schools, for school age children, and for adult farmers interested in learning more environmentally friendly agricultural techniques using satellite broadcast studies. By addressing these concerns, we hope to contribute to a better quality of life, enhancing the future of the farmers, their families and our planet.
Development of Origin Resources
ECOM Foundation for Development of Origin Resources founded in 2006, is a 501c(3) public charity committed to ensuring a better life for origin producers. Our Project directives focus on better education, health care, social services and environmental practices to achieve long term sustainability for rural growers and their families in producing communities.
Educational Working with local non-government organizations, public charities, corporations, and local and national governments, ECOM Foundation funds the installation…
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EF Newsletter Q2 2019
[Haz clic en la imagen de abajo para abrir] Para enviar comentarios, sugerencias o ponerse en contacto con nosotros por cualquier motivo relacionado con nuestra organización , por favor vea la siguiente información de contacto. ECOM Foundation 13760 Noel Road Suite,...
EF Newsletter Q1 2019
[Haz clic en la imagen de abajo para abrir] Para enviar comentarios, sugerencias o ponerse en contacto con nosotros por cualquier motivo relacionado con nuestra organización , por favor vea la siguiente información de contacto. ECOM Foundation 13760 Noel Road Suite,...