Sponsorships & Donations

Sponsorship & Donation Opportunities

Please find the opportunities for sponsorships & donations below.  If you have any questions please find contact information at the bottom,  thank you.

1) Write a check:
Please make your check payable to the ECOM Foundation and mail to: 13760 Noel Rd., Suite #500, Dallas, TX 75240.
You may also bring your check to one of our events.  Link to our most current upcoming event.

2) Donate online:
Please follow this link to donate online here

3) Become a sponsor
Please download and complete the sponsorship form
When complete please email the form to 


If you need help please see contact info below.

4) Participate in our live or silent auction for our upcoming event by donating an Item or Service
Please download and complete the Auction Donate form
When complete please email the form to 


If you need help please see contact info below.


Veronica Macias:


–  214-252-5353
Sharon Komorn: 


–  972-419-9492

Fundraiser Invite

Our Presenting Sponsors